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could not agree more and as a small company we are looking for parntnerswo are willign to invest in wys that imporve the ability of small farmers to grow ad deliver a better crop.
Would li to gein touch with the journalist and see if there is an opportunity for us to make some of the request for help noticed. Mostof the people require a small investment, which is buying may be some rabbits, offering some knowledge in how to set up a rabbitt culture, etc. Some of the communities have no access to water or health facilities or electricity, yet we ahve access to companies who wold deliver a solution from small to bigger/big. Companies do not do charity but are willing to look into a problem and into a solution. Often people do not have access to food because they can not access rasonably priced food but also because they do not know how to plant in urban areas, yet the migratio from rural arreas also happens because there are no facilities and not enough income to live on.
We have a network of agronomists/engineers and other willing to give their knowledge, some of them charge some of them dont, but need to have their basic expenses covered.
Agriculture though in Africa is not a new field and people know howto plant in rural areas, what they need is an exposure to the market.