IWMI Research Report – 33

Modernization Using the Structured System Design of the Bhadra Reservoir Project, India: An Intervention Analysis.


Sakthivadivel, R.; Thiruvengadachari, S.; Amarasinghe, U. A. 1999. Modernization using the structured system design of the Bhadra Reservoir Project, India: An intervention analysis. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. v, 24p. (IWMI Research Report 33) [doi: 10.3910/2009.040]



Evaluates the performance of the Bhadra Reservoir Project-before, during, and after the introduction of modernization with structured system design. Analysis focuses on water management, agricultural productivity, and farmer participation and perception. Identifies the absence of a continuing support mechanism and lack of farmer participation as the major causes for the project’s decline.


ISBN 92-9090-385-6

ISSN 1026-0862