Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture 

CA Info Brief No. 11

- 26 May 2006 - 


The CA assesses current knowledge and experience to identify the most effective investment and management decisions in water management for agriculture for reducing poverty and enhancing food and environmental security.


Apologies for Cross-Postings

News on the assessment synthesis

The CA synthesis book has entered its final step.  A few remaining chapters are in last review by their respective review editors.  The rest are in the final stage and edited by the science editor. 

A draft outreach brochure “Influencing What Happens Next” has been prepared to present the CA, its process, results and suggest next steps.  This brochure will be finalized for the World Water Week in Stockholm (20-26 August 2006). Your comments are welcome. Read the brochure [PDF 4.5 MB].

A new Online Discussion to be launched on the 2 June on “bio-energy: future implications for water management in agriculture”. Please register if you are interested and did not do it yet.


CA art competition – Still opened for some messages -  URGENT


The Global Art competition to illustrate messages on water for food and Life of the CA is still open for some messages. Deadline for some messages extended to 1 June 2006.

The CA, SIWI, RAMSAR, CBD, FAO, FANCA, Challenge Program on Water and Food invite you to take part in the Global art competition to illustrate 18 key messages on water for food & for Life.  The selection process started but artwork is still required for some messages (in particular, Messages 2, 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17 ) for which we still welcome contributions.  Read more on the competition in English, in French, in Spanish.


How: Send a digital picture of your artwork with an information note on the work to, or send your artwork to one of the submission locations available in various countries thanks to the CA competition partners and inform us of this.


Results of the CA to be presented in August 2006 at the World Water Week in Stockholm


Participate in the next CA event - a special session at the World Water Week- a full day on Thursday 24 August 2006, from 9:00 am

The Session is entitled “From Assessment to Research and Actions: The Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, and the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food”. It will be a full day session to present CA findings and how they translate them into action [for more on the session].  This seminar will be enriched by other focused seminars & workshops on closed basins, diets, IWRM, transboundary basins, and droughts [for more].


CA publications


CA brochure, Influencing What Happens Next, Draft version May 2005. [PDF 4.5 MB] 


CA Research Report No.10, 2006. Cities Versus Agriculture: Revisiting Intersectoral Water Transfers, Potential Gains and Conflicts. Molle, F. and J. Berkoff. [PDF 714 KB] 

This new CA research report revisits commonly accepted wisdom on water allocation. It examines the nature of urban water scarcity, the relative importance of both physical and economic scarcity, and how cities secure funds for the development of their water infrastructure (or fail to do so). It investigates whether recurrent water shortages in cities have anything to do with agricultural water use (or overuse); and assesses whether significant allocation stresses warrant the view that large economic gains can be realized through reallocation. (Printed version are available with the CA secretariat).


Beyond More Crop Per Drop, 2006. A document and web site have been produced for the 4th World Water Forum (WWF4) in March 2006 in Mexico to provide ‘KEY MESSAGES’ that reflect valuable information, insight and opportunity for action within the framework of the water-food-environment nexus.  This is a joint report of the CA, IWMI, SIWI, SEI, Ramsar, PWEE, INWEPF, ICID, CPWF, IUCN.  Visit the site & download the brochure [PDF1.86MB]  


Minimum Agenda on gender mainstreaming in water management, Version presented at the WWF4. (English, French, Spanish)

Other publications can be downloaded from Publications, including the CA research reports 1 through 10, CA publications in partners series, the Blue Paper: Investing in Water for Food, Ecosystems and Livelihoods, Stockholm 2004 [PDF 634 KB] and the book, Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement [Book index HTML]


Past Events


IAASTD: The second International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) Global Authors meeting was held from 2-5 May 2006 in Bangkok, in conjunction with the IAASTD Scenarios meeting.  Numerous CA authors are contributing as authors and reviewers in various chapters, in an attempt to ensure that water issues are integrated into the IAASTD book.  First chapter drafts will be sent to reviewers on 15 July 2006.  For more on the IAASTD, please visit this site


 News from CA Partners



4-7 September 2006, 9th International River symposium, 'Managing rivers with climate change and expanding populations', next year, the tenth symposium on the 3-6 September 2007will be on Environmental Flows, For further updates visit:


26-28 September 2006, 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management, Bochum, Germany, hosted by the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany,REGISTRATION DEADLINE 30 June 2006, Contact:


9-13 October 2006, 26 th IRRC at International Rice Congress (IRC 2006), New Delhi, India, More details on the Congress can be obtained from the website at or


12 – 17 November, 2006, International Forum on Water and Food, organized by the  Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Vientiane, Lao PDR from hosted by the Mekong River Commission (MRC), Download the entire background document on this Forum and call for abstracts [PDF 124Kb]