CA news briefs - 9 - 13 March 2006

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CA at WWF4, March 2006

CA will be an active participant during the 4thWorld Water Forum to be held March 16-22 at the Banamex Centre in Mexico City, Mexico.

Join the CA session FT4.37 on 20 march (2.30 – 4.30 pm), in Diezmo 1 room on Assessing livelihood and environmental trade-offs and synergies for water management in agriculture”. This session is convened by the CA, FAO, Ramsar, Freshwater Action Network and IWMI. The CA session will challenge current ways of thinking about management of water in agriculture and discuss nine key messages coming out of the 5 years assessment on water, agriculture, livelihoods and the environment that involved more than 700 people, and looked at the multiple facets of water management in agriculture.

The CA results are also presented in various other sessions (see last page of the English agenda). more about the CA at WWF4.

Global art competition to illustrate eighteen CA messages on Water for food and life.

Launch on the 14 March and Deadline 30 April 2006

Who: open to anyone - no age limit...Share this invitation with schools, NGOs, local artists....

What: One piece will be chosen to be the “visual representative of each message” and be shown in the CA book. Small prizes will be given to the best pieces per categories..

More information: or write to  

What is the “minimum agenda for effective gender mainstreaming in water management?”

Both Ends, the CA, and the Gender and Water Alliance (GWA) invite you to contribute to a minimum agenda for practitioners, policy makers and researchers to effectively mainstream gender in water management in agriculture.

Have a critical look at the minimum agenda and fill the questionnaire available in English, Spanish and French on  

At the WWF4 in Mexico, We invite you to come to the Women’s Coalition stand on 19th, 20th or 21st of March at 13.00 for an open discussion on this agenda and follow-up steps.