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Investment in Agricultural Water Management in Sub-Saharan Africa : Diagnosis of Trends and Opportunities

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The project purpose is to identify comprehensive approaches to future agricultural water development in the Africa region that would facilitate renewed donor interest in the sector. The specific objective is to contribute to a better understanding of experiences in the past two decades, and especially a number of innovative practices that are currently being implemented in the region through a compilation, review and critical analysis of existing literature, as well as through research into additional thematic issues and consultations with key stakeholders. This better understanding will facilitate dissemination and operationalization of the concepts through targeted investments in the region. The project will be involved in examining agricultural water uses from a river basin perspective to establish cost-effective institutional mechanisms for managing river basins that support agricultural use of water.  It will also attempt to propose ways to reduce poverty in rural areas through better and more targeted “pro-poor” investments.  A reassessment of the real potential for increased agricultural production through investments in irrigation and other ways of improving land and water productivity will also be carried out.

Collaborators: International Water Management Institute, World Bank, African Development Bank, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Food and Agriculture Organization

Duration: 2002 to 2004


Kamara, A and H Sally, Water Management Options for Food Security in South Africa: Scenarios, Simulations and Policy Implications. Development Southern Africa, Vol.21, No.2 June, 2004

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